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Metenolone Enanthate Aburaihan 100 mg/ml 1 ml

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Brand: Aburaihan
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Действующее вещество
метенолон энантат
Price per
1 ампулу
Страна производства
10 ампул

On this page, you can purchase Metenolone Enanthate Aburaihan 100 mg (Metenolone Enanthate Aburaihan 100 mg/ml 1 ml) from the steroid manufacturer at a price 7€ with fast and safe delivery throughout Ukraine as well as to the EU and USA.

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Metenolone Enanthate, commonly branded as Aburaihan 100 mg, is a popular anabolic steroid known for its unique properties that promote muscle growth and physical enhancement while minimizing adverse effects. This injectable steroid is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is characterized by a slow-acting ester, enanthate, which provides a steady release of the hormone into the bloodstream, ensuring long-lasting effects.


  • Enhanced Muscle Growth: Metenolone Enanthate significantly increases protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle tissues, facilitating rapid muscle growth and improved muscular definition.

  • Reduced Estrogenic Effects: Unlike many anabolic steroids, it does not convert to estrogen, which means it does not cause water retention or gynecomastia, making it a preferred choice for athletes during the cutting phases.

  • Low Liver Toxicity: It is less hepatotoxic compared to other oral steroids, making it a safer choice concerning liver health.


  • Increased Strength and Endurance: Users often experience enhanced physical performance, increased strength, and better endurance, which are vital for intensive training sessions.

  • Improved Recovery Times: The anti-catabolic properties help in reducing muscle breakdown during workouts, leading to quicker recovery and the ability to train harder and more frequently.

  • Lean Muscle Preservation: It is especially effective in preserving lean muscle mass during calorie-deficient conditions, making it highly effective during cutting cycles.

Dosage and Administration:

  • The typical dosage of Metenolone Enanthate is between 200 to 400 mg per week.

  • Injections are usually administered once a week due to the long-acting nature of the enanthate ester.

  • The cycle length is generally between 8 to 12 weeks, depending on the user's goals and experience.

Cycle Recommendations:

  • For beginners, a lower dosage of around 200 mg per week is advisable to gauge the body's response.

  • Intermediate and advanced users may increase the dosage up to 400 mg per week for enhanced benefits without significant side effects.

  • It can be stacked with other steroids like testosterone for those looking to gain more size and strength, while those aiming for lean muscle preservation might combine it with compounds that do not aromatize, such as Anavar or Winstrol.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new steroid cycle, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking other medications. Monitoring your body’s response and adjusting the dosage accordingly is crucial for safety and effectiveness.

Commercial profile
Price per
1 ампулу
Страна производства
10 ампул
Концентрация действующего вещества
100 mg/ml
Срок годности
Steroid profile
Действующее вещество
метенолон энантат
0 / 5
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Metenolone Enanthate Aburaihan 100 mg/ml 1 ml