Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/www-root/data/www/storagenewfarma/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php on line 946 Buy Pharma Test C Pharmacom labs 250 mg Online | Top-Quality Anabolic Steroids | Safe Shipping to EU & USA

Pharma Test C Pharmacom labs 250 mg/ml 10 ml vial

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Specifications: (See all)
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
высокая (есть необходимость в антиэстрогенах)
Detection time (doping control)
90 дней
Действующее вещество
тестостерон ципионат
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
через 48 часов
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
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On this page, you can purchase Pharma Test C Pharmacom labs 250 mg (Pharma Test C Pharmacom labs 250 mg/ml 10 ml vial) from the steroid manufacturer at a price 30€ with fast and safe delivery throughout Ukraine as well as to the EU and USA.

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Pharma Test C Pharmacom Labs 250 mg: High-Quality Testosterone Cypionate


Pharma Test C by Pharmacom Labs is a premium injectable anabolic steroid containing 250 mg of testosterone cypionate per milliliter. It is highly favored by athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts for its ability to promote substantial muscle gains, enhance strength, and improve overall performance. Known for its long-acting nature, Pharma Test C is particularly effective in both bulking and cutting cycles, helping users achieve a balanced and muscular physique.

What is Pharma Test C?

Pharma Test C is formulated with testosterone cypionate, a long-acting ester of testosterone. Testosterone cypionate is known for its strong anabolic properties and moderate androgenic effects, making it a popular choice for those looking to achieve sustained muscle growth and performance enhancements. It is commonly used to increase lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and support overall well-being.

Benefits of Pharma Test C

Promotes Substantial Muscle Gains

Pharma Test C is highly effective at increasing lean muscle mass. Users can expect significant muscle hypertrophy and improved muscle density, making it ideal for both bulking and cutting cycles.

Enhances Strength and Performance

Testosterone cypionate is well-known for its potent anabolic effects, leading to significant increases in strength and power. This allows users to lift heavier weights and perform more intense workouts, resulting in better overall performance.

Long-Lasting Effects

Due to its long-acting nature, Pharma Test C provides sustained release of testosterone, leading to steady blood levels and prolonged anabolic activity. This reduces the frequency of injections needed to maintain optimal levels.

Boosts Libido and Sexual Performance

Testosterone plays a crucial role in male sexual health. Pharma Test C helps maintain healthy testosterone levels, which can improve libido and sexual performance.

Improves Recovery and Well-Being

Pharma Test C enhances recovery by promoting protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, allowing for faster muscle repair and growth. This reduces downtime between workouts and supports overall well-being.

How to Use Pharma Test C

Dosage Recommendations

For men, a common dosage of Pharma Test C is 250-500 mg per week, administered in one or two injections. Due to its long half-life, injections are typically done once or twice a week. It is recommended to start at the lower end of the dosage range and adjust based on individual response.


Pharma Test C is administered via intramuscular injection. Here’s how to properly use it:

  1. Preparation :

    • Ensure your hands and the injection site are clean.

    • Use a new, sterile syringe and needle for each injection.

    • Draw the required dose of Pharma Test C into the syringe.

  2. Injection :

    • Choose an injection site, such as the gluteus (buttock), thigh, or deltoid (shoulder).

    • Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle into the muscle.

    • Slowly inject the testosterone cypionate solution.

    • Dispose of the syringe and needle safely.

Safety and Side Effects

While Pharma Test C is generally well-tolerated, it is essential to use it responsibly to avoid potential side effects. Common side effects may include:

  • Acne

  • Increased body hair growth

  • Mood swings

  • Fluid retention

More serious side effects can include cardiovascular issues, changes in cholesterol levels, and liver strain. To mitigate these risks, users should follow recommended dosages and cycle lengths, monitor their body's response, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting testosterone cypionate, especially if they have any pre-existing medical conditions.


Pharma Test C should not be used by individuals who:

  • Have liver or kidney disease

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Have a history of cardiovascular issues

  • Are allergic to testosterone or any other ingredients in Pharma Test C

Combining Pharma Test C with Other Compounds

Pharma Test C can be effectively combined with other anabolic steroids to enhance its effects. It is commonly stacked with other compounds like Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) or Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) during bulking cycles to maximize muscle gains and strength. During cutting cycles, it can be combined with non-aromatizing steroids like Winstrol or Masteron to preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.


Pharma Test C 250 mg by Pharmacom Labs is a high-quality testosterone cypionate product that offers significant benefits for muscle gains, strength enhancement, and overall performance. Its long-acting nature and potent anabolic effects make it a powerful option for athletes and bodybuilders.

By incorporating Pharma Test C into your fitness regimen, you can achieve substantial muscle growth, enhanced strength, and improved recovery. Whether you're preparing for a competition or aiming to improve your overall fitness, Pharma Test C provides a reliable and effective solution for your anabolic needs.

Commercial profile
Price per
1 флакон
тестостерон ципионат инъекции
Торговое название (рус.)
Фарма тест Ц 250
Trade name
Pharma Test C 250
Страна производства
10 ml (виал)
Концентрация действующего вещества
250 мг/мл
Steroid profile
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
высокая (есть необходимость в антиэстрогенах)
Detection time (doping control)
90 дней
Действующее вещество
тестостерон ципионат
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
через 48 часов
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
сильно выраженное
Способ приёма
в инъекциях
Токсичность для печени
не токсичен
Анаболическая активность в % от тестостерона
Андрогенная активность % от тестостерона
Период полувыведения
6-8 дней
Usage guidelines
Рекомендуемая дозировка для начинающих
200-300 мг/неделя
Рекомендованая продолжительность курса
8-10 недель
Полное выведение (начало ПКТ через)
19-21 день
Применение женщинами
не рекомендуется - вероятность маскулинизации
0 / 5
average product rating

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Pharma Test C Pharmacom labs 250 mg/ml 10 ml vial