Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/www-root/data/www/storagenewfarma/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php on line 946 Buy Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg Online | Top-Quality Anabolic Steroids | Safe Shipping to EU & USA

Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg/ml 10 ml vial

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Specifications: (See all)
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
высокая (есть необходимость в антиэстрогенах)
Detection time (doping control)
14 дней
Действующее вещество
тестостерон пропионат
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3 часа
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
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On this page, you can purchase Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg (Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg/ml 10 ml vial) from the steroid manufacturer at a price 17€ with fast and safe delivery throughout Ukraine as well as to the EU and USA.

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Testosterone Propionate by Platinum Pharm, available in 100 mg dosages, is a fast-acting form of testosterone. As one of the shortest esters of testosterone, it is favored for its quick action, making it popular among bodybuilders and athletes who are interested in quick gains and rapid effects on strength and body composition. Testosterone Propionate is particularly useful for shorter cycles or for those seeking to maintain tight control over hormone levels to manage potential side effects.


  • Rapid Onset of Effects: Testosterone Propionate leads to quick increases in testosterone levels, providing immediate benefits in terms of energy, libido, strength, and muscle mass.

  • Ease of Control Over Blood Levels: Its short half-life allows for quick adjustment of dosages based on individual response, helping to minimize side effects.

  • Less Water Retention: Compared to longer-acting testosterone esters, propionate typically results in less water retention, which is valued during cutting phases for a more defined look.


  • Increased Muscle Mass and Strength: Testosterone is a powerful anabolic hormone that significantly enhances muscle mass and strength.

  • Enhanced Fat Burning: The increased metabolic rate from elevated testosterone levels promotes more effective fat loss.

  • Improved Recovery Times: Faster recovery from workouts allows for more frequent and intense training sessions.

Dosage and Administration:

  • Typical dosages of Testosterone Propionate range from 300 mg to 700 mg per week, divided into daily or every other day injections to maintain stable blood levels due to the short half-life of the ester.

  • Cycle lengths are usually shorter, typically 6 to 8 weeks, to take advantage of the quick-acting nature of the ester and to minimize the duration of side effects.

Cycle Recommendations:

  • Testosterone Propionate is often used at the start of a cycle for rapid testosterone buildup or towards the end of a longer cycle to refine gains with a quick clearance rate.

  • It is commonly stacked with other anabolic steroids such as Trenbolone Acetate or Winstrol (Stanozolol) during cutting cycles for enhanced muscular definition and strength without excessive water retention.


  • Estrogenic Side Effects: Like other forms of testosterone, Propionate can convert to estrogen, which may lead to side effects like gynecomastia and bloating unless managed with aromatase inhibitors.

  • Androgenic Effects: Potential side effects include acne, accelerated hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness, and increased body hair.

  • Natural Testosterone Suppression: As with all steroids, it suppresses natural testosterone production, necessitating a post-cycle therapy (PCT) to aid recovery of natural hormonal levels.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):

  • A PCT protocol typically involves SERMs like Nolvadex or Clomid to stimulate natural testosterone production and help stabilize the endocrine system post-cycle.

Legal and Safety Considerations:

  • Testosterone Propionate is a controlled substance in many countries and using it without a prescription can be illegal. It is also prohibited in most professional sports.

Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg is an effective steroid for those seeking quick benefits and greater control over their steroid regimen. Its use should be carefully planned, ideally under the guidance of a healthcare professional, to ensure safe and effective outcomes while adhering to legal and regulatory standards. Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new steroid cycle.

Commercial profile
Price per
1 флакон
Тестостерон пропионат инъекции
Platinum Pharm
Страна производства
10 ml (виал)
Концентрация действующего вещества
100 mg/ml
Коробка / инструкция
Steroid profile
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
высокая (есть необходимость в антиэстрогенах)
Detection time (doping control)
14 дней
Действующее вещество
тестостерон пропионат
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
3 часа
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
сильно выраженное
Способ приёма
в инъекциях
Токсичность для печени
не токсичен
Анаболическая активность в % от тестостерона
Андрогенная активность % от тестостерона
Период полувыведения
1-2 дня
Usage guidelines
Рекомендуемая дозировка для начинающих
50-100 мг через день
Рекомендованая продолжительность курса
6 недель
Полное выведение (начало ПКТ через)
5-6 дней
Применение женщинами
не рекомендуется - вероятность маскулинизации
0 / 5
average product rating

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Testosterone Propionate Platinum Pharm 100 mg/ml 10 ml vial