Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/www-root/data/www/storagenewfarma/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php on line 946 Buy Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg Online | Top-Quality Anabolic Steroids | Safe Shipping to EU & USA

Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg/tab 20 tab

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Specifications: (See all)
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
не ароматизируется
Detection time (doping control)
до 185 дней
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Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
1 час
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички

On this page, you can purchase Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg (Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg/tab 20 tab) from the steroid manufacturer at a price 13€ with fast and safe delivery throughout Ukraine as well as to the EU and USA.

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Oxandrolone by Swiss Remedies, provided in 10 mg tablets, is an oral anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). More commonly known as Anavar, it is highly valued for its relatively mild nature and its effectiveness in promoting lean muscle gains, enhanced recovery, and increased strength without significant water retention. Oxandrolone is particularly popular among athletes and bodybuilders for both cutting phases and as a performance enhancer.


  • Mild Impact: Oxandrolone is considered one of the mildest steroids, making it a preferred choice for those new to steroid use or sensitive to the side effects of more potent steroids.

  • Promotes Lean Gains: It helps increase muscle mass but with minimal water retention, leading to hard and defined muscle contours.

  • Fat Reduction: While primarily not a fat burner, it aids in fat loss, particularly in abdominal and visceral fat, when combined with a proper diet and exercise.

  • Enhanced Recovery: Users often experience faster recovery from workouts, allowing for more intense and frequent training sessions without the typical risk of overtraining.


  • Strength Increase: Oxandrolone can significantly enhance strength without necessarily increasing total body weight, which is beneficial for sports requiring weight categories.

  • Muscle Preservation: It is known for its ability to preserve muscle mass during caloric deficits, which is crucial during cutting phases.

  • Improved Muscle Repair and Regeneration: This steroid also promotes the healing of cutaneous wounds and improves respiratory function.

Dosage and Administration:

  • The typical dosage of Oxandrolone for men ranges from 20 mg to 50 mg per day, split into two doses due to its 8 to 12-hour half-life.

  • For women, a lower dose of about 5 to 10 mg per day is effective for gaining muscle and strength without the risk of severe virilization.

  • Cycle lengths generally vary from 6 to 8 weeks to minimize the risk of liver damage and other side effects.

Cycle Recommendations:

  • Oxandrolone is often used alone for those seeking a mild introduction to anabolic steroids.

  • It can be stacked with other anabolics like Testosterone or Deca Durabolin for a more pronounced effect in muscle gain and strength improvement.


  • Liver Toxicity: Although less hepatotoxic than many other oral steroids, prolonged use or high doses can still pose risks to liver health.

  • Cholesterol Impact: Like many steroids, it can negatively affect lipid profiles, potentially increasing the risk of arteriosclerosis.

  • Hormonal Suppression: While milder compared to other steroids, it can still suppress natural testosterone production, necessitating a post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Legal and Safety Considerations:

  • Oxandrolone is a controlled substance in many jurisdictions and its use without a prescription can be illegal. It is also prohibited in competitive sports under the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg is an effective option for those looking to enhance their physique with a steroid that offers benefits like lean muscle growth, improved muscle definition, and enhanced recovery, all while being one of the milder options available. As always, it should be used responsibly under the guidance of a healthcare provider to minimize potential side effects and to ensure compliance with legal and health regulations.

Commercial profile
Price per
20 таб
Оксандролон в таблетках
Swiss Remedies
Страна производства
100 tab
Концентрация действующего вещества
10 mg/tab
Steroid profile
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
не ароматизируется
Detection time (doping control)
до 185 дней
Действующее вещество
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
1 час
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
Способ приёма
внутрь (в таблетках)
Токсичность для печени
Анаболическая активность в % от тестостерона
Андрогенная активность % от тестостерона
Период полувыведения
7 часов
Usage guidelines
Рекомендуемая дозировка для начинающих
40-80 мг/день
Рекомендованая продолжительность курса
5-6 недель
Полное выведение (начало ПКТ через)
24 часа
Применение женщинами
безопасно для применения до 20 мг/день
0 / 5
average product rating

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Oxandrolone Swiss Remedies 10 mg/tab 20 tab