Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in /var/www/www-root/data/www/storagenewfarma/modification/catalog/controller/product/product.php on line 946 Buy Oxymetholone Bayer 50 mg Online | Top-Quality Anabolic Steroids | Safe Shipping to EU & USA

Oxymetholone Bayer 50 mg/tab 50 tab

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In Stock
Brand: Bayer AG
Reviews: 0
Specifications: (See all)
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
нет, но сам обладает эстрогенным эффектом
Detection time (doping control)
до 60 дней
Действующее вещество
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
1 час
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички

On this page, you can purchase Oxymetholone Bayer 50 mg (Oxymetholone Bayer 50 mg/tab 50 tab) from the steroid manufacturer at a price 25€ with fast and safe delivery throughout Ukraine as well as to the EU and USA.

Quality guarantee. Verification codes on each package. Original.

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Oxymetholone, often sold under the brand name Anadrol and available here as a 50 mg tablet by Bayer, is a potent oral anabolic steroid. It's known for its dramatic effects on bulking up, increasing strength, and enhancing red blood cell production. Oxymetholone is particularly noted for its ability to deliver rapid and significant gains in body mass and strength over a very short period, often making it a favorite among bodybuilders and athletes looking for quick improvements.


  • Rapid Weight Gain: Oxymetholone can lead to significant increases in lean muscle mass and overall body weight in just a few weeks.

  • Increased Strength: Users typically experience a substantial increase in strength, which can translate into more effective workouts and the ability to lift heavier weights.

  • Enhanced Red Blood Cell Production: This steroid increases the number of red blood cells, improving oxygen delivery to muscles and enhancing endurance and performance.


  • Dramatic Bulking: Due to its high potency, Oxymetholone is particularly effective during bulking cycles to help users build significant muscle mass.

  • Improved Appetite: It can increase appetite, which is beneficial for people looking to gain mass.

  • Reduction in Fatigue: The increase in red blood cells can reduce fatigue, allowing for longer and harder training sessions.

Dosage and Administration:

  • Typical dosages of Oxymetholone range from 50 mg to 100 mg per day. Due to its strong effects and potential side effects, it's often recommended that users start with a lower dose to assess tolerance.

  • The cycle length is generally short, typically no longer than 4-6 weeks, to minimize the risk of hepatotoxicity and other adverse effects.

Cycle Recommendations:

  • Oxymetholone is often used at the start of a cycle for its rapid effects and is sometimes stacked with other anabolic steroids like Testosterone Enanthate or Deca-Durabolin for synergistic effects.

  • Given its potent nature, careful consideration is needed regarding what to stack with and how to manage potential side effects.


  • Liver Toxicity: Oxymetholone is a 17-alpha-alkylated steroid, making it hepatotoxic. Liver enzymes should be monitored regularly, and support supplements are often recommended.

  • Estrogenic Side Effects: Despite not converting to estrogen, Oxymetholone can still cause significant estrogen-like side effects, including water retention and gynecomastia.

  • Androgenic Side Effects: Acne, hair loss, and increased body hair are possible, especially in predisposed individuals.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT):

  • A comprehensive PCT is crucial after a cycle containing Oxymetholone to help restore natural testosterone production and mitigate the effects of hormonal imbalance, including using SERMs like Nolvadex or Clomid.

Legal and Safety Considerations:

  • Oxymetholone is a controlled substance in many countries and requires a prescription for legitimate medical use. Its non-medical use can be illegal and is banned by most sports organizations under their anti-doping regulations.

Oxymetholone Bayer 50 mg is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid that should be used with caution due to its potent effects and significant risk of side effects. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting a cycle with Oxymetholone, ensure adherence to legal guidelines, and consider health monitoring throughout its use.

Commercial profile
Price per
50 таб
Анаполон в таблетках
Страна производства
Концентрация действующего вещества
50 mg/tab
Коробка / инструкция
Срок годности
Steroid profile
Aromatisation (conversion to estrogens)
нет, но сам обладает эстрогенным эффектом
Detection time (doping control)
до 60 дней
Действующее вещество
Максимальная концентрация в плазме крови через
1 час
Подавление оси гипоталамус-гипофиз-яички
Способ приёма
внутрь (в таблетках)
Токсичность для печени
Анаболическая активность в % от тестостерона
Андрогенная активность % от тестостерона
Период полувыведения
7 часов
Usage guidelines
Рекомендуемая дозировка для начинающих
50 мг/день
Рекомендованая продолжительность курса
4-6 недель
Полное выведение (начало ПКТ через)
24 часа
Применение женщинами
не рекомендуется
0 / 5
average product rating

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